Stay Informed!


Stay Informed! *

There are many options for staying informed! Please read below.

  • Remind101

    We use the Remind app to send lots of annoucements and updates--be sure to sign up!

    BAND PARENT/GUARDIAN - text the message @bandpg2024 to the number 81010

    COLORGUARD PARENT/GUARDIAN - text the message @flagpg2024 to the number 81010 

    REGIMENT STUDENT - text the message @regiment24 to the number 81010

    4th Period CONCERT BAND STUDENT- text the message @trhscb2024

    COLORGUARD STUDENT - text the message @trhscg2024 to the number 81010

  • Weekly Newsletter

    The weekly newsletter has everything you need week by week, as well as beyond! Please be sure you are registered for this important communication.

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